Great Achievement !!! The FEEEL Was Selected by the World Bank #Startup Fridays #Girls Learn Women Earn
Honors for FEEEL , CEO and Founder Dr.Faryal Razzaq was a trainer at SAARC  Womment Portal.
Success Story: The FEEEL was selected among 14 startups all over Pakistan and and won 2nd runner up

Upside of Failure
Development project may not be fruitful but will be a calculated risk to improve the product so innovation and research and development should have ample room for failures. After all failures are small milestones on the road to success.

Daily Times,
Saturday, February 08, 2020
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Our services


Emotion is a mental state associated with the nervous system brought on by chemical changes variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioural responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure. There is currently no scientific consensus on a definition


Ethics is the branch of Philosophy that studies morality or right from wrong. The FEEEL aims to empower youth and instil highest level of ethical standards for their professional pursuits with ethical sensitivities.


The term empowerment refers to measures designed to increase the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities in order to enable them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own authority.

What else we provide?

Awareness Session

The FEEEL provide interactive free awareness sessions for partnering institutions where we encourage youth to open up and break taboos and misconceptions around seeking help for emotions, ethics, life skills and
empowerment .

Online Sessions

To provide anonymity and facilitating participation conveniently we provide 1-1 counselling online and participation in onlocation group session as virtual participants. Check for free sessions options.

Curriculum Development

We are strong advocate of including emotions, ethics, empowerment in core courses. We provide 45 hrs 3 credit hour syllabus for a whole course and 6 hours modules to integrate in existing courses.

Face to Face Sessions

We provide individual counselling and group sessions face to face for emotional management and hygiene and coping strategies

Who we are

The FEEEL is the Farmework for Emotions, Ethics, Empowerment and Life Skills. We are Emotional education evangelists and experts in the domain of emotional intelligence, neuro science and mind sceinecs.

 Mental/emotional health has not yet been realized as an area of emergency relief service. Little work is being done on scientific grounds to train youth to be emotionally resilient. We want to empower the youth with preventive emotional health care ( emotional hygiene) and emotional first aid through self help coping strategies.

We aim to include the studies of emotions and ethics and empowerment as core subjects or integrate into the existing courses, profitably. We are offering technology based personalized solutions for ease of access, anonymity and monitor
progress that you have made for emotional management and ethical sensitivities. We are offering hosts of communication solutions for the subscribers, face to face interactions in the form of boot camps, seminars and training. We are offering video/audio conferencing solutions, recorded training’s on YouTube, Face Book, and other social media platform, we are offering downloadable modules for certifucations and training’s, chatting and online help as well as helpline for emergency consultancy to be notified for serious conditions to the authorities.

Curriculum Development
Life Skills


Dr Zainab F. Zadeh
Dean and Director Institute of Professional Psychology
November 20, 2019
contribution in the field as researcher and trainer are commendable

Being the Director of IPP I had the chance to review her PhD model and scale the first one for Emotional Intelligence ( EQ) at Pakistani workplace, I think her theoretical contribution in the field as researcher and trainer are commendable. Her initiative for emotional preventive measures The FEEEL is much needed.

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